Pico Union Urban Greening Plan

The Pico Union Greening Plan identifies publicly owned lands that are opportunity sites to create public green space, public trails, and community school parks. Objectives were to green alleys, plant street trees, improve sidewalks, create parkways, capture storm water, reduce the urban heat island effect, reduce overall energy consumption, and conserve water. GIS data such as population densities, acres of parks space per 1,000 residents, and walking distances to parks were compiled and mapped. BlueGreen then mapped opportunities for the creation of more green space.
The second component of the project was to identify the feasibility and benefits of turning selected elementary school grounds into community school parks in an effort to increase availability of park space. Five schools were identified and conceptual site plans for all five schools were developed. Two locations advanced to a pre-design level.
The Union Avenue Elementary School plan was one of these two sites. The design identified opportunities for park amenities that may be accessed by the public, including a turf field, basketball court, nature park and a reading garden. The campus core would be gated and locked after hours. BlueGreen proposed pedestrian safety improvements, tree planting opportunities and an underground infiltration system built into the turf field. BlueGreen worked within LAUSD’s masterplan and design standards. The plan included the surrounding neighborhood for additional benefits that could improve walking routes to the school and make Union Avenue Elementary School a central node in a network of green LAUSD school properties tied into the larger neighborhood.
Client: People for Parks
Location: Westlake District, Los Angeles
Funded by Proposition 84

BlueGreen Consulting landscape architect Lynne Dwyer and translator Carmelo Alvarez present plans and listen to local feedback at Trinity Street Elementary School.

Proposed Union Avenue Elementary School plan.

Walking distance to public parks.